Statutory guidance for settings states that medicines must not usually be administered unless they have been prescribed for a child by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist and that medicines containing aspirin should only be given if prescribed by a doctor. Ideally all medicines should be given to the child by the child’s parents.
Bee Active staff will only administer medicines if absolutely necessary and they are comfortable and confident to do so. Before requesting Bee Active staff to administer medicine to your child, please consider if alternative arrangements can be made.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up to date. Should your child’s medical needs or medication prescription change in any way you musty inform us immediately. A separate Medication Consent Form will need to be completed for each individual medicine prescription and for each period of consent/prescription.
All Medication Consent Forms will be sent directly to the Venue Coordinator of each venue for review upon submission. If you would like to speak to the Venue Coordinator prior to your child’s attendance to give any further information, clarification or simply to get some reassurance about our ability to meet your child’s medical/medication needs please indicate where appropriate in the form below.
Further to completion of this consent form and for the avoidance of any doubt, we kindly ask that the person who drops your child off to the venue to speak to the Bee Active team member on duty to verbally confirm the requirements for administering medication on a daily basis.
Each time medication has been administered the Bee Active team member responsible for your child will submit an Administration of Medication Form. This will trigger an automated email to inform you.