Everyone, healthy and happy!
Everything you need to know about Bee Active! We’ve put together a list of our most commonly asked questions. If you don’t find the answer you are looking for, please contact us!

Bookings, Amendments & Cancellations
I need to cancel my booking
We understand that a busy family life means that plans can change suddenly. If you need to make any changes to your booking we ask that you let us know as soon as possible so that other children don’t miss out on the fun. To cancel all or part of your booking, please contact our office on 01782 205915, info@beeactive.co.uk, or fill a contact form in.
Please see our cancellation policy for full details on refund and credit eligibility.
I need to amend my booking
We understand that your plans can change, if you need to amend or cancel an existing order you can do so by contacting us in the office info@beeactive.co.uk or 01782 205915. You’ll need your order number and the amendments you wish to make. Please note changing a session is dependant on availability. Cancellation and Order Amendments Policy may apply.
My child is unwell and cannot attend
Please let us know at the earliest opportunity if your child cannot attend a session. We ask that children with sickness and diarrhoea remain away from the club for at least 48 hours.
How can I add wrap-around care to my booking?
Wraparound care is a great way to squeeze even more Bee Active fun out of the day. Once you have made an order, you cannot add wraparound from your account or book it as a stand alone order. The simplest way to add wraparound is at your venue with the team on site who will take a card payment upon booking. We accept all major cards and apple pay but we are unable to take payment for added wraparound care on site, using childcare vouchers or cash. If you need an early start with morning wraparound, just turn up from 8:00am and our team on site will take care of you, there is no need to let us know beforehand.
How can I contact the venue I'm booked onto?
Did you know every Bee Active team member has a direct number? This means that you can get straight through to the team on site at anytime, should you need to check in or pass on any important information. Look out for the contact card on the sign-in desk and take a picture for future reference. Please note; the extension number will change if your usual Venue Coordinator is on annual leave or absent for whatever reason.
Alternatively you can call the main office on 01782 205915 and we can put you through.
I'm from an organisation caring for a child, could I book on account?
If you are from the local authority or child’s school and organising child care on behalf of looked after children, we are able to invoice you for the services on account. Please contact the office to arrange the booking on info@beeactive.co.uk or 01782 205915 and our team will be happy to assist you.
Are you Ofsted registered and what does this mean for me?
We’re voluntarily Ofsted registered at each of our holiday club venues. Ofsted inspectors make non-scheduled or short notice visits to monitor the care and education that we provide, click here to view our recent inspection reports.
Do you accept childcare vouchers?
We do! In all of our venues that are registered with Ofsted we are eligible to accept childcare vouchers as a form of payment.
We are also registered on the government’s Tax Free Childcare Scheme “Childcare Choices” if your employer does not offer a voucher facility. The scheme is open to all working parents and the savings can be quite substantial!
Choose your payment options at the checkout or contact us for more information.
Why do some days have an additional charge?
Sometimes we add a small additional fee on-top of our base price to take into account the extra cost of some of our events and activities. Any additional charges will be visible when making your booking.
I find it difficult to pay for childcare
We know childcare can be an expensive cost for your family, especially during the longer holiday periods such as Summer and Easter. We’ve been thinking about how we can help ease the financial pressure during these peak times and are pleased to have launched the Bee Active Savers Club earlier this year.
The facility allows savvy parents like you to spread the costs of childcare over the course of the year without losing the flexibility that you tell us you love.
Setting up the savers club is really simple, just choose a monthly savings amount that suits you best and then sit back and watch those regular monthly contributions stack up in your account for when you need them most.
Remember you can pause, reduce or increase the contributions at any time; giving you total control and flexibility. Enjoy booking your children in for even more magical experiences with the Bee Active team, knowing it isn’t going to cost you a wing and a leg at the checkout!
Do you have any discount codes?
We often have discount codes available, as part of competitions or just as a simple thank you to our amazing customers. Keep an eye out on social media for our awesome campaigns such as our ‘Yellow Friday’ event!
Emergency service workers can take advantage of our blue-light discount to receive 10% off their order (excluding subscription purchases). Please get in touch for a coupon code you can activate at checkout.
Drop-off and Collection
How can I contact the venue i'm booked onto?
Each venue (or coach) has their own telephone extension – this will be available from the team on arrival. Alternatively you can call the main office on 01782 205915 and we can put you through.
Somebody different will be collecting my child
Please make the coach aware of this when you drop your child off in the morning or via phone if plans change during the course of the day. The person collecting may need your child PIN from your account.
If we are ever in any doubt, we would always default to requesting the child’s PIN before allowing the child to leave with someone unfamiliar to ourselves/the child.
I'm running late, is there a late collection charge?
We understand that sometimes, timings don’t go according to plan. In relation to the late collection of your child, please carefully read our late collection policy which can be found here.
Our team has other responsibilities outside of work and sometimes have to care for their own children too. We ask you to be respectful of our collection times and endeavour to be punctual. If you are going to be late, please contact us to inform us at your earliest convenience.
We will never leave your child unattended at a club, no matter the circumstances.
Easing first-time nerves
I'm nervous as my child has not been to a club before?
The first time coming to a club can be quite daunting for both parents and children, but it needn’t be! Everybody at our clubs are really friendly, and love to have fun. We’re confident that your child will settle in, in no time as many other children and families have over the years. If you’d like to speak to us before you book for that extra reassurance, please call us on 01782 205 915.
My children are different ages, can they stay together at a club?
Our clubs are open to children of all ages and abilities (4*-12). Our activities are adapted to suit the ages and abilities of the group taking part. Children will get the most from clubs by taking part in activities with their age group, however, we can arrange for siblings to stay together until they feel comfortable and to be together during break and lunch times. Please speak to your venue on the day if you’d like to arrange this.
What do I need to bring on the day?
Children should wear comfortable clothes and sturdy trainers suitable for energetic activities, bring a healthy packed lunch and plenty of non-fizzy drinks.
My child is not particularly 'sporty'
We understand that every child is unique and some prefer physical activity and sports more than others. We plan our programmes to include a wide variety of sports, games, physical and craft activities to suit all ages and abilities – there really is something for everyone. All of our activities focus on participation and enjoyment rather than elite performance.
My child finds it difficult to make new friends
We understand that any new environment can be daunting, even for adults. We have measures in place to help new children settle into their group as quickly as possible. Our ‘buddy system’ helps children to find a friend within the group, whilst also giving responsibility to children that have been with us for some time. Our coaches will ensure no child is left out of an activity and encourage positive relationships within the group. If you’d like a mid-morning progress call to see how your child is getting on, please let your venue coaches know.
Will my child know any other children?
Our clubs are open to all children across the communities we serve. If your child is a regular at our holiday clubs, they’ll definitely have made friends from previous clubs! If they’re new to our clubs, they’ll make friends in no time. It’s likely that your child may know another child(ren) from their school, however, we could never disclose which children will be attending which venue on any given day.
Does my child have to take part in all the activities?
We encourage participation in all activities, so your child gets the best experience possible. However, we would never force your child to participate in anything they didn’t want to. Our coaches will strive to make sure holiday clubs are inclusive, and in doing so would find an alternative activity that your child would be more comfortable doing.
Can my child bring their tablet, phone or games with them?
We strongly advise against bringing tablets, phones, computers and other valuables to the clubs as children will not be permitted to use them, unless in exceptional circumstances. We cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to property or personal belongings whilst your children are in our care.
How do you monitor behaviour at lunchtime?
We encourage the children to do the following during break time:
• Wash your hands before you eat and choose to sit with friends who you think are sensible. • Try to eat all of your food, leave what you don’t want in your lunch box and don’t throw any away. • Don’t share or swap any food with other children, incase of allergies or special dietary needs. • Put all your rubbish in the bin, and keep your area clean and tidy. • Ask a coach if you need any help opening packages or if you have spilt anything. • Once you’ve finished your dinner wait patiently for others to finish. • Be respectful, kind and sensible. Enjoy the rest so that you have more energy for activities.
How do you monitor behaviour?
- injuries
- accidents
- incidents
- bullying
- illness
- anything else
Activity Specific Questions
Learn to Ride: Do we need to bring our own bike?
Yes, we ask that all children bring their own bicycle and safety equipment (helmet as a minimum, knee/elbow pads are optional).
Children tend to get more value out of our Learn to Ride sessions if they are using equipment that they are familiar with.
Learn to Ride: Do we need to remove stabilisers before a session?
We tend to remove stabilisers as soon as possible, as often, they can become a hindrance to learning to ride, rather than help!
Our Learn to Ride teaching methods skip the stabilisers step, and as such, stabilisers are usually moved before any riding commences. This is typically done in a discreet way to prevent children from being anxious seeing their stabilisers removed.
We can remove stabilisers for you, but please feel free to do so yourself before arrival.
Scooter Skills: Do we need to bring our own Scooter?
If you’d like to bring your super cool scoot and helmet along to our sessions, please do so!
However, if you don’t have a scooter, not to worry – we’ve got plenty of brand new scooters and helmets for you to use!
How will you keep my child safe?
All Bee Active coaches are fully insured, DBS checked, trained in paediatric first aid and safeguarding children. The childcare requirements of the Ofsted registration ensures we stay compliant and provide a safe, and inclusive environment for your children to enjoy. Children remain supervised throughout the duration of their visit by our team or coaches.
What is your behaviour policy?
It is important to us that your child has a safe and enjoyable experience with us each and every time. We’re committed to managing children’s behaviour through positive reinforcement, meaningful relationships, engaging activities, clear boundaries, routines and expectations and most importantly; consistency.
We will give feedback to parents about their child’s behaviour – letting them know about the good days as well as the bad ones but in particular, any persistent disruptive behaviour. Foul or abusive language and threatening/violent behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.
Who will be looking after my child?
All Bee Active coaches are fully insured, DBS checked, trained in paediatric first aid and safeguarding children. We aim to keep our coaches at the same venue each time where possible, so that they can continue to build upon the great relationships they’ve forged with children. Click here to learn more about our team!
Are your team first aid trained?
Yes! Our team has first aid training as part of their onboarding/pre-employment checks, you will also find a well stocked first aid kit at every venue.
Do you use external providers?
The majority of our holiday club provision is delivered by Bee Active employees using internal resources. Occasionally we will use an external provider for some of our feature days. We always ensure that our providers are fully insured, DBS checked and follow our safeguarding and childcare policies. External providers are used to provide enrichment activities and are never responsible for the care of children at our clubs.
Somebody different will be collecting my child
Please make the coach aware of this when you drop your child off in the morning or via phone if plans change during the course of the day. The person collecting may need your child PIN from your account.
If we are ever in any doubt, we would always default to requesting the child’s PIN before allowing the child to leave with someone unfamiliar to ourselves/the child.
How do you ensure my child is kept safe in an open access (public) venue?
We are committed to making sure that no one who is unsuitable to be around children has unsupervised access to the children we look after. We do this by ensuring that children are supervised at all times, especially when moving around from one activity to another.
My child has additional needs, how will you cater for them?
We aim to make all of our services as inclusive as possible. At the point of creating your account you will be prompted to enter any medical or behavioural information that our team would need to be aware of that may affect participation. Any information provided here will be instantly available to the coaching team on site. If your child’s medical details change, please ensure that you update your account accordingly.
The Senior Coach may wish to discuss your child’s needs in more detail to better understand triggers, coping strategies and behaviours as best as possible. No two children are the same and as such what works for one does not always work for another – we have found the best strategy is to trial a shorter amount of time such as a morning or afternoon and review progress regularly.
Some children attend our clubs with the support of a 1-2-1 carer / support worker. Whilst this is not a service that we provide directly, we are happy for children to attend with a carer / support worker subject to relevant ID and DBS checks being provided. Please contact us before placing a booking if this is something you may wish to explore.
How do you cater for children with allergies?
If your child has an allergy, please let us know at the earliest opportunity, preferably before booking. We’ll talk through any activities planned that may cause a conflict with your child’s allergy, and create a plan specifically for your child. Our activities with food (such as baking or snacks) tend to avoid typical allergens as standard.
My child's medical information has changed, who do I inform?
Please send us an email at the earliest opportunity so we can update our records. If your child is currently at a holiday club, we’ll need to know immediately to ensure our coaching team is aware. In this case, please contact us directly on 01782 205 915.
I have concerns about the childcare provision for my child
We encourage all parents to voice any concerns they have with our services directly with us in the first instance. We pride ourselves on our transparency and approachability and welcome any feedback as an opportunity to improve our services. Please contact us if you have any concerns you’d like to discuss.
My child is having trouble with other children at a club, what can be done about this?
Our team provides lots of activities to get children to work together cooperatively. However, disagreements, quibbles and falling out is not uncommon amongst children as they are still figuring out the skills they need to work through these problems.
It is important that children are encouraged to share their problems with the coaches at the venue so that issues can be dealt with as early as possible. If matters persist please speak up and raise your concerns with the venue coaches upon collection/drop off.
If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome then please contact the Childcare Services Manager so that they can investigate the matters further. We want to ensure that all children feel happy about attending our clubs and we will do everything that we can to make this happen.
What are the arrangements for toileting?
We advise that all children should be able to toilet independently but we acknowledge that occasionally accidents can happen, especially with younger children. If your child is not 100% in toileting independently, a change of clothes is advised. We will always have spares onsite as a precaution.
In the event of an accident our priority will be to get your child cleaned up quickly with minimal fuss. Our team will give you a call to inform you of an accident occurring as soon as possible.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
Do you keep lost property?
We collect all lost property at the end of our holiday clubs, and take it to our office for safe-keeping. Keep an eye out on our social media for photos of anything left behind. If you think you’ve lost something, reach out to us and we’ll try our best to locate it.
Do you provide food and drink?
Food and drink will not be available to purchase at our venues, so children should bring a healthy packed lunch and plenty to drink (nothing fizzy). All of our venues have facilities for topping up water bottles throughout the day.
Some of our services are accessed via programmes that do include a meal as part of attendance. Eligibility for these programmes will be made clear at the point of booking.
I want to find more about Bee Active, who can I speak to?
Learn more about us here, or give us a call on 01782 205 915. Or, even better… arrange to pop by the office for a cuppa’ and a chat with our Childcare Services Manager!
Does my child need a spare set of clothes for the activities?
Where activities may require a change of clothing, for example, messy or water-based activities, this would be detailed at the point of booking.
Where can I buy a Bee Active t-shirt?
You can buy a t-shirt from our holiday club page or direct from a venue! Simply scroll down, choose your size, and add to your basket. Alternatively, speak to a coach on arrival and purchase one in person! (Sizes and availability may vary)
My child has lost their Bee Active passport
Not to worry, let us know and we can provide you with a replacement.
My child is 4, why can they not attend for more than 4 hours?
Whilst we’d love to open our doors for your little ones full-time, our current Ofsted registration means that we cannot accept 4-year olds for more than 4 hours per day. If you do require full days, we recommend that you enquire with a private day nursery until their 5th birthday strikes.
I still require childcare, but my child is over 12
Our clubs are open to children aged 4-12. However, if your child has experienced our clubs first-hand and is feeling confident, why not have a go at some volunteering? Check out our Sports Leaders course for more information on making the journey from a participant to a professional.
What happens during wrap-around?
Wrap-around is care outside of our set holiday club day. This could be in the morning before a club begins or an afternoon after a club ends. It’s designed to give parents that extra bit of flexibility for those who may be working for example. The wrap around sessions are less structured and more child-led than the main day.
I'd like to refer a friend, do you have any incentives running?
We don’t currently offer incentives for friend referrals, but would be grateful if you wanted to refer to a friend due to our service. Thank you for your support!
Do you have any discount codes?
We often have discount codes available, as part of competitions or just as a simple thank you to our amazing customers. Keep an eye out on social media for our awesome campaigns such as our ‘Yellow Friday’ event!
Emergency service workers can take advantage of our blue-light discount to receive 10% off their order (excluding subscription purchases). Please get in touch for a coupon code you can activate at checkout.
How can I change my personal details on my account?
Need to change your details? No problem! Head to your account dashboard to edit your details.
Unanswered questions? Let’s answer them!
Talk to our team if you have any further questions we didn’t quite answer.